Products & Services...
Like a road map, our products and services help guide organizations to succeed in changing environments.
We empower them to raise funds, manage complex systems and programs, identify and develop resources, work
effectively with partners and stakeholders, and ensure the desired outcomes of their efforts are achieved.
Braintree is composed of four interdependently operated Corporate Divisions, each drawing from a group of shared
Products and Services:
Project, Program and Institutional Management
Strategic and Consultative Planning
Collaboration and Community-Building Tools
System and Industry-Wide Strategies
Meetings, Conferences and Special Events
Communications and Content
A Word on the Boundaries of our Services
Just as we encourage our clients to maintain clarity of purpose, at Braintree we recognize that with our
distinctiveness comes the responsibility of remaining true to ourselves and our clients. On occasions when a
client's needs are not a good match with our services, we'll tell them - and then we'll help the client find
those who can satisfy their needs. The success of our clients and partners defines our own.
Be sure to view some of our project examples.
Click here to return to our Corporate Divisions listings.
